Friday, January 23, 2009

Red Pepper

Mixed Vegetable with Tofu and Garlic sauce? Amazing. That's right.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Taste great, but isn't great for you.

...In the mass quantities I ingest it, at least.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Nutella should be a staple on the food pyramid. I believe it should occupy the big bottom section.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I need some cheese.

This is always good for a laugh.

Oh Canada.

So. I had my first out-of-country experience this past weekend. My P.I.C. (Partner in Crime) and I ventured over the border and broke my international cherry. (Okay, quit your giggling, laughing, smirking and head shaking.)

Now, living in Buffalo has caused me an awful stereotype of Canadians. I hear they're very nice on their own soil, however, it has been my experience during my year of residing in Buffalo, that Canadians have a terrible sense of entitlement. They've driven over a bridge and they think that the world owes them something for that incredibly brave journey. Yeah... Right.

Getting slightly lost over the border, I did realize WHY Canadians are such awful drivers here in the States. They've got their speed limits in kilometers, which, having to do the reverse translation, mi to km, I realized it's a bit of a pain in the ass to make sure you read the other numbers on your odometer. Also, the standard speed limit, at least in the area in which I was caught up in was 40kmph, only about 25 mph. Slow as fuck. As far as parking in concerned however, well, they're just assholes. And no, just because you're Canadian doesn't mean that you get everything in the States discounted. My thoughts are, "PAY MORE"- the economy has to get boosted somehow, right?


A little late jumping on the bandwagon, but what can ya do?