Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Recipe: Squeak's Red Sauce

Now, my recipes are always a general guideline of ingredients for different foodstuffs. I hate measuring more than anything, but then there are people, like my mother, who need to follow a recipe down to the very granules of salt. My recipes are estimates of what I use when making each yummy concoction.

Cooking is really my down-time. Cooking dinner is my favorite thing to do every day- it's relaxing. So, when I make something in which there is a decent amount of prep and cycling of dishes, I am totally in the zone.

Last night, I made Eggplant Parmigiana from scratch, including the sauce. And here's how I did it:

-1 large 28 oz can of crushed tomato (I used with basil, but plain is fine and preferred)
-1 large 28 oz can of diced tomato (this was plain and preferred)
-1 medium sweet onion (vidalia works too) diced
-8 to 10 good sized cloves of garlic chopped(I absolutely LOVE garlic, so this can be changed depending upon your taste, but I don't recommend using less than 6)
-1 tbsp olive oil
-herbs to taste (I used a bunch of fresh basil, thyme and parsley from my garden, but dried works too)

In a large pot, add olive oil and onion; cook over medium heat until soft and translucent. (I use this cooking time as an opportunity to chop my garlic)

One the onion is cooked, add garlic and cook for about 5 minutes. You do NOT want the garlic to brown as this can add a bitter taste, so you may need to adjust your stove's heat accordingly.

Once the garlic and onion are cooked, add the can of crushed tomatoes and stir in.

Drain the can of diced tomatoes and add to the other ingredients and stir in.

Add your herbs to taste- make sure your basil and parsley is chopped if using fresh herbs.

Turn the heat down to low, cover the pot and cook for a minimum of 10 minutes, the longer the better.

From start to finish (with the minimum cooking time) this should take about 35 minutes tops. It also freezes very well. Just make sure you let the sauce cool to room temperature before putting it in a freezer bag and sticking it in. (I say this as a reminder to myself as well as my impatience has cost me in the past)

This is a very simple and basic recipe and I've done variations to it where I've added white wine or vodka along with a bit of cream for a delicious pink sauce; I've used just diced tomatoes and no crushed tomatoes which makes a light almost marinara sauce; I've added grated Parmigiana and Romano cheese; you can add mushrooms and peppers; I've roasted garlic and added that to the sauce as well (which adds some nice dimension to the sauce)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today is Monday.

Monday. Sounds like a day that references money... which, it could in fact be a reference to money as most people begin their work week on Monday.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Letter to the seasons


I'm sad to see you go. We had some good times together these past few months, although some of our plans were cancelled. Looking forward to your sister Autumn's visit, she's so beautiful and smells delicious. Don't say anything to Winter though, she always shows up uninvited and overstays her welcome, perhaps if she doesn't hear anything she'll forget to come around. Tell Spring I send my best!

Until next year,

Sunday, February 6, 2011


February is kind of an odd month. It actually has exactly 4 weeks in it making it the only correct month in which you can gauge a 4 week time frame as 1 month. Just thought I'd remind you...

So, for the past 5 or 6 weeks, we here in the Capital Region of New York have experienced a winter storm every Wednesday (give or take a Tuesday or Thursday). It's quite the interesting cycle. Supposedly there's a name for this meteorological phenomenon but I don't quite remember the term nor do I have enough motivation to Google it.

I keep having random bursts of inspirations but then forget or put aside those ideas when it actually comes to making something. I seem to have been finding sleeping and watching Friends reruns that I've DVR'd a bit less work. I attribute this to discouragement.

Anyways, that aside, I have been able to make an addition to the store, just in time (perhaps a bit tardy) for Valentine's Day; although it could be used year round...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ashleigh's Apartment is Up and Running!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Operational Interwebs.

So I finally broke down and ordered cable and internet for the new apartment. I'm not even going to say how ridiculously expensive it is; it's unfortunate that having immediate access to the online world is necessity today.

This summer has presented itself as an interesting roller coaster.

Things between Dylan and I (I said I was going to give him a nickname in my last post, didn't I? Oh well, I forgot what it was and am quite frankly too lazy to go back through and find out what it is.) are really good; a little tense on the commitment front; in the sense that bells can't ring, and rings can't be bought until we're financially stable: which I completely agree with. It does bum me out that most of my friends are getting married or are married and that I'm rapidly approaching 27 and really don't have any idea when that will happen for me. It will, I know, but it's nice to know WHEN. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY happy with our relationship, he's the only person who can keep me grounded and clear headed and he makes me happy and laugh like no one else.

Things on the job front are much more depressing. I've applied to about a dozen districts in the area this summer for potential Art Teacher positions in the fall. Did I get called back by and of them for an interview? Of course not! Did I get a call back saying that they've found some one else? Psh, you've got to be kidding. Did I have to make the initiative and hunt down the person who had any kind of information pertaining to these availabilities only to be told that interviews were already held or that the position has been filled? Oh yes, you can bet on it.

I suppose the fact that I had a successful interview with Capital Region BOCES is a good thing and depending on when Buffalo State wants to send out my requested Reference File I'll hopefully be approved for 8 local districts. I was told that basically I should expect an assignment every day, which is great, but I need security and health insurance. This world just sucks today.

My lull in contentedness has also caused me to fluff up ever so slightly as the result of binge eating after making those dreaded rejection calls. I'm gonna try to be better now that I've got some sort of [night] light at the end of the tunnel for the time being.

Well, I think that's enough whining for now. Perhaps I shall internet "window" shop until I have to go wake the boy from a late afternoon nap...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So, it seems that it's been quite some time since I've actually posted on this thing. Since then, I've relocated to the capital of New York State to be with the love of my life as he had accepted a job at Albany Medical Center. Myself, being an art teacher, has the summer off; and the foreseeable fall and winter as well...

While my partner in crime is at work, I get a sense of accomplishment and feeling of being useful by being a housewife; or, in my case: apartment-girlfriend (As we don't live in a house nor are we married). Cleaning, doing laundry, running errands and cooking dinner are good distractions from the fact that I have yet to find a teaching position for September. I'm hoping to hear from schools that I've applied to later this month, but in all honesty, I won't be too disappointed if I don't.

Finding a teaching position just plain sucks. There's no other way of saying it. New York State requires that all open teaching positions be posted; however it's not stipulated as to where. This means that most positions are posted in obscure places that aren't able to be found by the regular job hunter. Also, it should be pointed out that schools generally already know who they want to fill these "available" positions, so the fact that some of these postings aren't attainable by the classroom hungry unemployed teachers isn't such an issue. It's an issue when those positions are posted in very visible and public areas and we jump through hoops making sure we write the perfect and impressive cover letter, tailor our resume to the 9's and make carefully thought out follow-up calls: and the position has always been "filled" by someone waiting in the wings.

Frustrating? Yes. Discouraging? Yes. Cause for periodic break-downs questioning if you should try to find another career path even after you went to school for X number of years specifically to teach what you want to teach? Oh, you bet.

DJ (that is what I'll refer to my other half as I'm not sure how keen he'd be to see that I've included him in an online blog) has tried to push me to make my own stuff this summer and to use this as an opportunity to focus on that because "who knows when you'll be able to have the chance to do this again?". Not sure if he;s implying fun summer activities in the years to come or if he's thinking I'm going to have to throw away all those years of school in order to work in some field that I have no interest in whatsoever. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say fun stuff is ahead.

Since I find myself alone for the day most days of the week with my cat; I think I might come back to this blogging thing to express random thoughts, ideas and frustrations. Currently I only have one follower, my best friend, but who knows... maybe some strangers will have interest in the poorly written babble I have to share. (A la Julie and Julia perhaps!)

I think this will conclude my reintroduction; I'm sure I've got some more constructive things to be doing right now; I just have to find my list...