Saturday, July 18, 2009

You know things are getting serious when...

"I" becomes "We"; "Me" becomes "Us"; "Mine" becomes "Ours"

You know things are getting serious when... realize you won't be investing in floral bed patterns anymore; and you're more than okay with it.

"We should get coffee sometime..."

You get coffee with your girlfriends, with potential dates, with your mate, but have you ever noticed how meaningless the statement actually is?

I was watching an episode of Sex and the City, the episode where Carrie runs into Aidan and his baby and says that seemingly acceptable line, "We should get coffee sometime."; and it got me to thinkin'.

How many times have you run into an ex, an old classmate, an old friend or acquaintance: more often than not, these people haven't been in your life for a reason, but you feel it necessary to extend this "run-in" to "catch-up" at some point in time? The almost automatic suggestion is, "We should get coffee sometime".

Yes, the idea of seeing how this person that had a role in your life is doing, and I'm sure that you'd like to inform them of all the good that's been going on in your life as well, but realistically, how often is this proposal met? Usually, contact information isn't ever exchanged; this I believe is because both parties expect the other is going to try to find them on facebook and shoot them a message, but is rarely the case.

"We should grab coffee sometime" is almost the default polite statement, rather than invitation, to close one of those semi-awkward run-ins. It lessens the obviously uncomfortable mood that the interlude has taken, whomever making the offer taking on the role of "the bigger person" in a sense.

Is it that, "We should grab coffee sometime" is an almost a passive-aggressive inquiry? The person that puts it forth first, appearing as though they're calm, cool, confident and collected? But if handled strategically, the agreement to this proposal could even out that playing field. One could respond simply by saying, "You took the words right out of my mouth"! But don't appear to be overly excited about this fictitious meeting; say, for example, "Oh my gosh! That would be so wonderful! I'm looking forward to it!".

This doesn't hold true for all situations though. Sometimes friends move away and you do in fact lose tough and meeting them for a caffeine fix is a friendly and desired gesture to genuinely see how that person is doing and what they've been up to. Perhaps you ran into an old co-worker that you used to gossip with, but lost touch after you (or they) quit. Perhaps your ex has realized that they're gay and you know that you don't have any same sex competition awaiting in conversation (the same could be if your ex begins to have a thing for the opposite sex).

I just found it funny how often and freely this statement is used and is never followed-through. Food, or "java" for thought.

Monday, February 23, 2009


quite possibly one of the best foods ever.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I have become

a calorie counter.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


isn't so bad the day after.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, I believe it's time for a lil' rant.

I ventured out to Tops this afternoon to pick up some apple juice and was waiting in line at the checkout behind two ladies with a crap-load of food and whatnot, obviously for the game.(Mind you, it was the express lane: 10 items or less...) One of the ladies was yap yap yappin' on her tricked out smartphone, dressed in her designer jeans, blinged out with gold, had her fake nails all clackin' away on the counter, her weave all done up- the cashier finishes ringing her out, "$200.06" the yappin' lady says, "Oh, I've got my card here-" she whips out her Food Stamps card between her fingers and obnoxiously long nails and hands it to the cashier. She tsks about the fact that she needs to pay $0.99 in cash.


Where do I even begin to express my disgust, anger and frustration?! You mean to tell me that I just paid for your food for your fucking superbowl party?! You mean to tell me that I'm paying to feed dozens of your damn friends?! You are apparently in whatever damn condition that you "can't" work- yet, you use your unemployment and welfare money to keep up your damn 'do, flippin' claws, your threads and your wireless bill. SERIOUSLY? There are people out there who CANNOT afford the absolute basics in life, and you're leeching off the system, off ME and my peers and fellow workers because you're too damn lazy to wake up at 7am and work for 8 hours a day?! Because you find it more important to galavant and strut your "stuff" all day long?!

I am beyond disgusted by this behavior. I know it happens everyday, but when you witness it, when you see people abusing it, taking advantage of YOU and everyone else in line behind you, you lose respect for those human beings for being so selfish, lazy, and arrogant.

I just wrote a whole bunch of babble, but I cannot put into words my rage and disgust, I can't.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Red Pepper

Mixed Vegetable with Tofu and Garlic sauce? Amazing. That's right.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Taste great, but isn't great for you.

...In the mass quantities I ingest it, at least.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Nutella should be a staple on the food pyramid. I believe it should occupy the big bottom section.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I need some cheese.

This is always good for a laugh.

Oh Canada.

So. I had my first out-of-country experience this past weekend. My P.I.C. (Partner in Crime) and I ventured over the border and broke my international cherry. (Okay, quit your giggling, laughing, smirking and head shaking.)

Now, living in Buffalo has caused me an awful stereotype of Canadians. I hear they're very nice on their own soil, however, it has been my experience during my year of residing in Buffalo, that Canadians have a terrible sense of entitlement. They've driven over a bridge and they think that the world owes them something for that incredibly brave journey. Yeah... Right.

Getting slightly lost over the border, I did realize WHY Canadians are such awful drivers here in the States. They've got their speed limits in kilometers, which, having to do the reverse translation, mi to km, I realized it's a bit of a pain in the ass to make sure you read the other numbers on your odometer. Also, the standard speed limit, at least in the area in which I was caught up in was 40kmph, only about 25 mph. Slow as fuck. As far as parking in concerned however, well, they're just assholes. And no, just because you're Canadian doesn't mean that you get everything in the States discounted. My thoughts are, "PAY MORE"- the economy has to get boosted somehow, right?


A little late jumping on the bandwagon, but what can ya do?