Sunday, February 1, 2009


So, I believe it's time for a lil' rant.

I ventured out to Tops this afternoon to pick up some apple juice and was waiting in line at the checkout behind two ladies with a crap-load of food and whatnot, obviously for the game.(Mind you, it was the express lane: 10 items or less...) One of the ladies was yap yap yappin' on her tricked out smartphone, dressed in her designer jeans, blinged out with gold, had her fake nails all clackin' away on the counter, her weave all done up- the cashier finishes ringing her out, "$200.06" the yappin' lady says, "Oh, I've got my card here-" she whips out her Food Stamps card between her fingers and obnoxiously long nails and hands it to the cashier. She tsks about the fact that she needs to pay $0.99 in cash.


Where do I even begin to express my disgust, anger and frustration?! You mean to tell me that I just paid for your food for your fucking superbowl party?! You mean to tell me that I'm paying to feed dozens of your damn friends?! You are apparently in whatever damn condition that you "can't" work- yet, you use your unemployment and welfare money to keep up your damn 'do, flippin' claws, your threads and your wireless bill. SERIOUSLY? There are people out there who CANNOT afford the absolute basics in life, and you're leeching off the system, off ME and my peers and fellow workers because you're too damn lazy to wake up at 7am and work for 8 hours a day?! Because you find it more important to galavant and strut your "stuff" all day long?!

I am beyond disgusted by this behavior. I know it happens everyday, but when you witness it, when you see people abusing it, taking advantage of YOU and everyone else in line behind you, you lose respect for those human beings for being so selfish, lazy, and arrogant.

I just wrote a whole bunch of babble, but I cannot put into words my rage and disgust, I can't.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl you know i had to get my superbowl party TOGETHA

    don't be hatin
